High-Resolution X-ray Inspection in Production Environments

Image: VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH

While open X-ray sources offer excellent resolution, sealed MiniFokus sources are easy to use, enable high X-ray energy and require less maintenance. Comet Group’s MesoFocus source resolves the conflict between high resolution and the requirements of demanding industrial environments. With a variable, small focal spot and 225kV, it offers up to 20lp/mm resolution. MesoFocus means the focal spot size is between conventional MiniFocus and open microfocus tubes. The only maintenance is periodic greasing of the high-voltage cables every six to 12 months, depending on operating conditions. Thus, the new triode focusing concept in VisiConsult X-Ray’s XRH222 CT system achieves: adjustable focal spot size from 50 to 200µm, constant tube power from 25% of max. k, and homogeneous resolution throughout the radiation field due to a 20° target angle.

VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH